21 March - 20 April

ARIES [March 21 - 20 April]

As Mars moves into your sign on May 1, and stays there for the rest of the month, you will have extra energies at your disposal to apply to any of your goals. They can be financial or they can be put to practical use by using your hands for repairs and alterations. It is, however, wise to know that as Mars rules the head of us humans, THEREFORE, it would be wise to wear a helmet if doing any extreme sports, or thinking that you are capable of riding an electric scooter! Remember that accidents are familiar with the Aries people, more so than any other sign. The most interesting event will be that Pluto, being in the early degrees of Aquarius, is in a perfect aspect to your sign, also with Mars. Then with the Moon in Aries May 5 and May 6, of this month, you should start this Lunar month off with great gusto. With almost all of the planets moving forward the pace of life is very fast. Health and energy are excellent and you may probably be doing the work of at least five people!     

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21 April - 21 May


The financial changes you have been thinking about are now ready to pay off as the planet Mercury, moving direct, clears its “shadow” period by May 15. After that date Mercury will enter your money house and will remain there for the remainder of the month. In essence, you will be entering a yearly financial peak! However, this peak is going to be much greater than usual. The planet Jupiter May 26 will enter your money house also, so super prosperity is happening. There are many ways that you can earn, also assets you already own will increase in value. Money may indeed may come from Insurance payments or tax refunds. Under Jupiter, and the planet Pluto, perhaps you are named in some one’s Will or appointed to some administrative position regarding a Will. There can be happy romantic opportunities for singles! Current partnerships should seriously consider marriage under this aspect. This astrological timing only occurs once in fourteen years!

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22 May - 22 June


There are some happy aspects for Gemini people this month. The reason being that the planet Mars is in a positive aspect to your sign, as well as Pluto. May 9 and May 10 will be good for you as the Moon is in your sign. Some countries have Mother’s Day May 12, so don’t forget to ring that precious one! By May 20 the Sun enters Gemini, late evening, and with the Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23 all your hopes and expectations should see you on a “high”. All in all, this month is going to be life-changing for you in a very good way! First, because of the move of Jupiter into Gemini, May 26 that will initiate at least one year’s cycle of prosperity. You should find yourself living at a higher standard than usual. Next year may see actual financial results but even this year the Cosmos will support your higher living standards. This Jupiter transit means that your spouse, partner, or kinfolk, shows devotion to you and this is an excellent and rewarding time to be married . 

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23 June - 22 July


It is going to be a very strange month for Cancerians. One reason being that there is a New Moon on Wednesday 8 May, and that is in perfect aspect with a very strange event of two major planets of the zodiac, namely Jupiter and Uranus, both sitting alongside the same degree as the New Moon. It is often said that with these planets that you could “expect the unexpected”. It is also interesting to note the second point being is that you are still in the midst of a very strong spiritual period. Now by the time you get to May 26, the planet Jupiter, which is helping you in your monetary gains, will swap into the sign of Gemini and you will divert your attention to all forms of new communication skills. If you combine your gut feelings with spiritual know-how you should expect expansion and growth in mind, body, and soul. From May 18 to May 20, the power of the Sun , together with Jupiter may bring you a nice pay-day.  Be aware, lifting heavy weights may result in a hernia!

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23 July- 22 August

LEO (July 23 – 22 August )

The major eclipse last month was in the sign of Aries and this month everything seems to line you up for success!  The planet Pluto will go retrograde by May 3 and home and family issues will need more time to resolve themselves. The stars indicate there is personal elevation with planets at the top of your chart,  perhaps honor and recognition as well.  Usually, most Leo’s are excellent organizers and people look up to you and aspire to be like you! From May 20 the Sun moves into the sign of Gemini and with the Full Moon in Sagittarius May 23 you have a strong social month. Romance is looking up for singles because of the love energies of Jupiter and Uranus. May 24 and 25 with Venus in the sign of Gemini we strongly suggest communicating with your siblings. This is going to be important, as the planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Gemini, as well as Venus, and with the Moon in Aquarius May 28 and 29 you may wish to hold a family reunion now.

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23 August - 23 September

VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)

All Virgo’s will have a remarkable month of May, with the New Moon being in a compatible earth sign, Taurus, on May 8. Later in the month the Moon enters your sign May 16 to May 18. So that means a wonderful week end. That New Moon is aligned with two exceptionally fortunate planets, such as Jupiter and Uranus. The planet Jupiter will give you expansion in any of your practical affairs, and will undertake you seriously considering your investment portfolio, or how to earn extra funds. The planet Uranus will give you the unexpected good fortune!  It means that both your home and career areas of your life are co-operating with each other. It is an ideal time to be working on your career from the comforts of home. Also, you will make your office more like home! The Full Moon , May 23, in the sign of Sagittarius, will line up with Pluto to suggest that some lottery winnings are possible and you can plan on making new adventures with long distance travel. 

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24 September - 23 October

LIBRA [23 September - 22 October]

Your financial planet, Pluto, goes retrograde on May 2 and will remain so for many months. This will slow you down a bit and can introduce some delays in finances. With Mercury now leaving its retrograde period out of the ‘shadow’ cycle, by May 15, just make sure all your financial details on line, are correct. There is planetary power in your eighth house relates to your partner and whether they are having a prosperous month. A strong energy here shows a great interest in personal transformation, and projects involving ‘Wills and Monetary Estates’. This is an excellent month to revise your Will and if necessary, your Executors. Many Librans would find this a time for getting rid of the extraneous things in your life, perhaps old clothes and shoes that are no longer serving you. With Mars moving into the sign of Aries, and opposite your own sign, he is strong in this position and indicates that you may wish to lead a socially-active lifestyle. Full Moon May 23, has blessings for you!

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24 October - 22 November

SCORPIO [23 October - 22 November]

The New Moon on May 8, in the sign of Taurus, and being opposite your sign, suggest a two-week review of your financial debts. The best days of May to make financial decisions will be May 16 and 17 and May 21 and 22. With the planet Pluto as the ruler of your Horoscope, it will go retrograde on May 2 and be retrograde for the rest of the month ahead. This has a tendency to weaken your self-confidence, self-esteem and self will. Because the planetary energies of Jupiter and Uranus are opposite your sign this is not the month for you to use your personal initiative but through others will be successful. Your way is probably not the best way this month. The May energies are best suited towards taking time off for your home and office repairs, and repositioning your office files. Doing that, may in fact, see you remembering energies that you forgot to pursue and hopefully you will make a note to follow through next month. You may be appointed to administer an Estate.

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23 November - 21 December

SAGITTARIUS  (23 November – 21 December)

The month of May is a financial upheaval time! You will need your best wits about you to sell up,  that which you do not need and to consolidate your investment portfolio. May 24 and 25 will be the days of attunement to World News, possibly the international crisis taking place in many countries may cause you concern. The planet Mars opens in the sign of Aries, May 1, and will remain there all month until mid-June. The Aries energy will fire up your Sagittarius chart and your mind will be on fire with alternative ideas from May 1 to May 16. The planet Saturn is in the middle of transiting through Pisces and together with Neptune in Pisces you are advised that discipline is necessary on your health. You need some brisk walking, or some bushwalking. Until May 20 the power of this month is in your sector of health and work. This can be positive unless you take no breaks and forget to eat health-wise. The positive news is that Jupiter brings in new partnerships. 

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22 December - 20 January

CAPRICORN [23 December - 19 January].

The most interesting thing for all Capricorns is that Friday May 3, Pluto, the planet of death and rebirth stands still and begins retrograde for the rest of the year until mid-October. During this period of time Pluto will ask you to not only look at throwing out your old clothes, or any old machinery that has no further use to you, but to look at your old friends, groups and associations that have worn out their welcome and no longer serve your intellectual life. It is time to shift your focus elsewhere. Your mental and communication faculties are very strong with the New Moon in Taurus, May 8, and with Ceres in Capricorn May 15 and Mercury and the Moon in Tarus, respectively, May 16. Take note that you are due to clear out old rubbish May 17 an 18. The energy behind this is that you are about to rebalance your life, and you do not need to carry rubbish forward into a new cycle. Your spirit guide wants you to listen carefully May 19 to a prosperous message via media!

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21 January - 19 February

AQUARIUS [20 January - 19 February]    

The first day of May has the Moon in your sign and Mars in Aries. With Mars in Aries for the whole month until June 9, you have the spirit of dynamic adventure to propel yourself forward and make dramatic improvements in your personal life.  In fact, this should set up your best programme for the year ahead. You should be able to maintain high energy levels however do not let yourself get over tired. There is a strong planetary power this month in your home and family sector.  This also applies to you with the focus on a good home office.  If you do not presently enjoy a home office than go ahead and “make one”. With your career planet, Pluto, moving retrograde from May 3 until mid-September, your career issues need time to peruse and resolve with better financial goals in mind. Perhaps there is more entertaining from home, and with family members. If you are in a relationship there is more closeness with a beloved. Have more fun with your chosen partner!

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20 February - 20 March

PISCES [20 February - 20 March]

The New Moon May 8 is in good aspect to your sign. In particular the planets Jupiter and Uranus, are also in Taurus and together with this New Moon you are going to have one of the most successful months of your life! With Mercury also joining up in Taurus, May 16, and with the Moon in Virgo that day you are guaranteed that the middle of May sees prosperity flowing your way. May 19 will be the Sun in Taurus, together with Jupiter, and that could be your lucky day! Make a note also that the end of the month sees the Moon in Pisces, which is your sign, and that sets up a good weekend for you to finish the month. So, with all these beneficial planets in your sector of home and family, there is great pleasure and happiness, with the home and hearth this month. Jupiter’s move into your house sector may bring the sale of real estate or a fortunate purchase. For some it can be enlargement of the present home, or the acquiring of additional homes. The Cosmos blesses you!

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Your special taped astrological forecast . . .

This can be done for you by Edgar Winter to answer those special questions.

Edgar prides himself on being ALWAYS AVAILABLE to his clients. At least for the next 5 years! He may retire at 90 years old! Smiling!

This reading includes a confidential tape recorded and emailed to you plus personal questions answered especially for you, covering all aspects of your situation and status in life.

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 Its good insurance at $356 AUD .  Just like having a "Spiritual" umbrella for any hail (Hell) ahead. (Smiling)

Yes the 3 is for your life`s journey...the 5 is for your freedom from worry as we see what the universe is teaching you....and the 6 is for getting the universe to back into your true creative cycle!


What`s in the Stars for May 2024!

Hello to all my subscribers and those just onto my website.

We have arrived in May 2024 at a supreme crisis point. You personally may feel very strange over the next few months as Mercury, Venus and Jupiter reach a very critical change of sign! However, 2 other Planets such as Neptune and Uranus will also have a very once in a lifetime powerful impact.  So, from now to October 2024 the worlds most evil influences for world control and domination will attempt its final grasp for total domination! The result depends on the revival of democracy in the Western World and the free will of ‘Humans’ to have a major revolution back to freedom, equality and fraternity!

The degree from 29° to 29°59’59’’ is called Anaretic Degree, and some astrologers define this degree as the “Fate Degree”; as these last degrees are considered problematic, anaretic degree can be defined as a “peak”, it is the final point that a “degree” can reach before moving to another sign. Here, before moving to a new field of experience (a new sign), all the possible experiences will be lived through and because of that there might be crisis, as to leave anything to be learned or experienced from the previous sign behind and start anew. It wouldn’t be wrong to define 29° as the “test degree” or “the degree of mastery”, “the gift”.

Anaretic degree and Nodes have similarities, both of them are related with fate, there will be situations to be examined, solved and win through. If the person does not learn what he has to learn, he will definitely experience some sort of crisis; but if he has, he will continue from this “peak” and accomplish a fateful mission. Therefore, just like the difficulties and patterns start to resolve easier in our lives, when we fully understand and continue our path through our North Nodes; the planets, cusps, and even asteroids in 29° are the indicators of where the “change” and the “transformation” will occur in our lives.

Sunday May 19th may see the full crisis as Mars triggers the fated destiny of this planet.  Mars will be midway thru the sign of Aries in the second decant which gives Leo like drama for war! Everything changes in Politics, Countries and major currencies!  Hopefully the real truth of world corruption and lies is revealed by Neptune in its critical degree change to new beginnings and for the advancement by Pluto of new power sources through safe nuclear power hubs!

The 29th degree on a house cusp of a natal chart may bring crisis, transformation, and lessons to be learned. It might bring a mission to be completed, which has to be mastered by the chart owner in order to serve humanity. The chart owner will experience a “peak” and also ups and downs by living through these experiences he is going to master these issues in his life.

Neptune 29°: Creativity, idealism, inventions through inspiration, prisons, mental hospitals, delusions, dreams, spirituality, mediums, psychic gifts, alcohol and similar substances, addictions, drugs, mysticism, poisoning, music, psychological effects from the past, psychological or psychiatric illnesses, hidden things, revealing hidden things, mental awareness, mental disorders, spiritual awareness and universal consciousness.

Pluto 29°: Death, rising from the ashes, regeneration, crisis, leader or authority position, beginnings and endings, spiritual birth and death, obsessions related to power and control, obsessive compulsive behaviour, excessive use of force, transformations, digging deeply to find the truth, sexuality, crisis situations, and also esoteric issues can play an important role in a person’s life.

29° Capricorn: The peak in money. Family businesses, establishing a business, helping someone else to establish a business, all kinds of work related to money and tangible things, father, authority, social status, order or system, construction, apathy, skills gained by working, money earned by working, material and concrete matters, pessimism, negative thinking causing fear and anxiety, stinginess, saving money, relationships based on self-interest, depression, focusing on the dark side or dark occult tendencies, chemistry, scientific and mathematical issues, taking too much responsibility, choices based on fear not on love, government or government affairs, giving too much value to money and power. Creating a respectable social reputation and status before moving into a fixed sign, Aquarius.

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